With Valentine's Day around the corner, there is uncertainty in the flower sector: it is the first time that this celebration will take place in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic. And it is not for less, given that it is one of the most important dates for the union, who cannot avoid looking with concern at the exports of this 2021, due to the new restrictions in international markets imposed as a result of the new third wave.

Despite this, there is a moderate optimism in the environment. And it is that flower growers began to prepare for Valentine's Day approximately six months ago, adapting their plantations with biosecurity protocols to be able to operate without any setback.

The Ministry of Agriculture, ICA, Asocolflores and other national entities have joined forces so that around 700 million Colombian flower stalks are exported. According to recent statements by the president of Asocolflores, roses are the type of flower that is sold the most during Valentine's Day, so to have them ready for the holiday, a pruning is carried out approximately 90 days before the harvest begins. For their part, ICA officials at the airports of Bogotá and Rionegro (Antioquia), as well as in the ports of Santa Marta, Cartagena, Barranquilla, Buenaventura and Turbo (Antioquia), are working extensively and sufficiently in the inspection of millions of stems that are already going to world markets. The United States, mainly, stands out, as well as other 100 nations among which are Japan, England, Holland, Spain, Russia, Poland, Chile, Australia, Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Czech Republic, Panama, France, Germany, among others.

All this dystopian situation has made electronic commerce gain a presence, which has opened up new opportunities in the field of exports: “Normally, the summer in the United States is not so good for us. However, through e-commerce, we received several orders, given that people were more at home, they want to better arrange their home and flowers are a great element of decoration ”, says José Antonio Restrepo, general manager of Ayurá / Eclipse Flowers. And it is worth noting that, through Colombia a un Clic, more than 2,000 entrepreneurs from 10 departments of the country have been trained with training sessions on how to export through digital platforms, consultancy in closing gaps, design of the digital strategy to generate traffic, and business follow-up.

Everything seems to point to the fact that, despite the difficult times we are experiencing, adequate anticipatory measures have been taken so the flower sector can contribute to Valentine's Day as normally as possible.


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